ust because material on the Egyptian Underworld isn't up yet doesn't mean that I haven't been researching it!
In fact its been terribly difficult because 'Egyptian' covers such a broad span of time and wide geographical spread. This means that ideas and worship vary a great deal, so acheiving a degree of consistency is hard. Taking our inspiration from Leeds architecture means that we'd inadvertently picked the Roman period in Egypt, while my knowledge was more of the Pharaohonic period - the pyramids to the Valley of the Kings - which is rather more what people expect. This means that for LightNight there will be some of both...
In the meantime, if you'd like to see some genuine ancient Egyptian textiles in Leeds, the University of Leeds International Textiles Archive has just finished cataloguing its Egyptian textiles collection and some rare examples of Egyptian costume will be on show during the exhibition: A Catalogue of World Textiles.
The exhibition runs from 5th October 2010 to 27th May 2011 and is open Tuesday – Friday 09:30 to 16:30 (except for University Closed days). The database of all the collections is searchable online too!
University of Leeds International Textiles Archive,
St. Wilfred's Chapel,
Maurice Keyworth Building, University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT
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