Tuesday 26 October 2010

Pictures From Light Night

I didn't have a camera and was hiding behind a Charon mask is Dark Arches anyway, but I'm very glad some other people (people I don't know!) took photos and posted them online. I've collected the images here - if I've not attributed them properly I apologise and will correct if you get in touch with me (e.r.okell at leeds.ac.uk). If anyone would like to send me their photos, please use the same address.

Congratulations to cast members for capturing the public's imagination:
Rachel Meadows - Persephone
Rachel Elderkin - Orpheus and Eurydice
Bob Buxton - Horus
Eleanor OKell - Charon

LIGHT AND DARK: Rachel Meadows on the Town Hall steps as Persephone, Greek goddess of the Underworld.
Persephone, Quen of the Underworld, outside the Palace of Hades on the Town Hall Steps
( (c)Yorkshire Evening Post staff photographer: published 11/10/10, see http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/Leeds-Light-Night-2010-City39s.6575041.jp)

    Orpheus, searching the Underworld.
    Does he seek Persephone to ask her to bring Eurydice back to life or Eurydice herself?
    ( (c) Simon Cliff: DSC_9490 at http://www.flickr.com/photos/sicliff/5069556320/)


    Eurydice outside the City Museum, waiting by the Gate of Taenarus for Orpheus to join her or to bring her back to life.
    ( (c) parishpics: img-9354 at http://www.flickr.com/photos/parishpics/5063736950/in/photostream/
      Horus, preparing to weigh your soul against the feather of truth and determine whether it is righteous and you can enter the afterlife to enjoy "cakes, ale and crumpet" forevermore.
      ( (c) Rachel Coterill: IMG_6676 at http://www.flickr.com/photos/rachelcotterill/5071738582/in/set-72157625015880477/)

      Charon stalks the Dark Arches, looking to cross souls over the River Styx (River Aire).
      ( (c) Punk Rock Kicks: Death stalks the Dark Arches at http://www.flickr.com/photos/mighty-southpaw/5063779362/in/pool-lightnight)

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