Thursday, 16 September 2010

Psychogeography talk

I forgot to take the recorder and the PowerPoint slides reformatted themselves when I changed machine *sob*, but it went down well. I'll sort out the formatting and record myself at home and get it up here asap.

Very many thanks to the audience for being so helpful when discussing the actual map to use in the leaflet we're going to give people on the night. It's great to have a concept validated and it had been causing us real stress - imagine how much information I can't fit on 2 sides of A4 if most of one is taken up with a street map of Leeds from Temple Works to Parkinson Building!

Other than that the whole Open Media night was really interesting and we saw and heard some cool things - especially a late addition to the programme that involved taking shots of light with a digital camera while walking the same route repeatedly, inverting the colour and layering the shots on top of each other to create really beautiful abstract landscapes. It was a great visualisation of the way that events and stories layer themselves in a space, making it a place.

Highlights for me were that I've never had a question session when I was praised for my story telling and it's also the first time I've been asked where I teach so that someone could come and learn a subject they'd previously thought was boring from me! So thank you, you lovely people...

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